Color Blender


Format Hex RGB RGB%
Color 1  
Color 2  
blend clear
  • Pick a color value format, input two valid CSS color values in the format you choose, and pick the number of midpoints you'd like to see. The palette will show the colors you input as well as the requested number of midpoint colors, and the values of those colors.
  • All numbers are rounded to the nearest integer.
  • Clicking on a square in the "waterfall" display will fill in the appropriate value for whichever input is highlighted.
  • Switching between value formats will translate whatever values are in place.
  • "Clear" removes all values and colors, but does not change the current value format.
  • For HTML color names try here.
Creative Commons License
The Color Blender is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 License.
I found it here or possibly here or here (sure is popular!) and made my own tweaks.